20 Tips For Job Seekers In Tanzania

Tanzanian job seekers need to keep a few essential standards for searching and applying for jobs at such a crucial time. Tanzania's economy already collapsed amid the Covid-19 pandemic. Now it is recovering and coming back on track which has created opportunities for jobs in the Tanzanian Market. 

The challenge has become hard as the opportunities are narrow in the Tanzanian job market. In such circumstances, a job applicant should be very well prepared to stand out from the crowd. A candidate should be aware of the protocols for applying for a job. Following are a few tips for job applicants who are looking for a job in Tanzania.

Personalized Cover Letter, Resume or CV

The candidate should precisely customize the cover letter resume or curriculum vitae according to the job description he or she is applying for. The candidate should mention everything honestly in the resume and nothing other than reality.

tanzania job cover letter and cv

Knowledge about the firm

A candidate should be aware of the company's place in the industry. He should know about the hierarchical structure of the firm and its competitors in the market.

Be Persistent

Don't hesitate to call your expected employer if you haven't heard anything from them in return. Be persistent and speak to them with due respect about your willingness to work with them.

Prepare for Job Interview 

Always be prepared for a job interview anytime. Prepare for common interview questions. Evaluate your strengths and sell those strengths to an interviewer as a reason to hire you.

job interview

Dress Well


There is a saying: dress for the job you are applying for, not for the job you already have. It says dress well and according to the job requirement.

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Formal Communication


From your resume to your job interview, be strictly formal about your communication. Avoid being over-friendly and watch your words while giving the interview. Don't share too much of your personal information.


Maintaining accounts


Create accounts on professional platforms like LinkedIn etc. Mention your interest and achievements on your accounts. Add experience and education to your account. Mention the link to your account on your resume.


Personal Life


Your personal life should be kept away from your job resume and job place. Keep your social media accounts private and away from your job concerning people.


Attitude towards Job


Maintain a 'can do anything' attitude towards your job. Be confident about what you do and what you know without being overconfident. Show your past accomplishments certificates, appreciation letters etc.

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Public Relationship


Work on your public relationships and create contacts in every field. Public relations pay you in the long run. Meeting with people from different zones gives you a chance to look at the bigger picture of the corporate culture.


Flexibility for Job


Don't be rigid about your job expectations, job location, job description, salary and the position you applied for. As we all know the economic situation is not very good in Tanzania. So a candidate should stay flexible while applying for a job. If the candidate is offered a contract-based job or is expected to work as an intern for a few months he should show flexibility and work with them.




Mention your achievements in your past jobs and academics. Prove that your achievements played a big role in your success.


Hard Work


Show your hard work to your employer. Let them know that they can share their workload with you and can rely on you in hard times. Never say no to work, nor overload yourself with work. Keep balance at work too as well as in your personal life.


Maintain a good Impression


Maintain a good impression on the employer by avoiding spitting hate about your previous job or employer.


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Fill Gaps


Fill gaps in your working experience tenure by doing volunteer activities or by attending workshops that enhance your skills, expertise and resume.


Stay Positive 


Show positivity in your weaknesses. Your weaknesses can be useful for the firm in many ways. Like you can't multitask and might be the firm has a job for a person who can concentrate on a single thing.


Be honest 


Be honest about your last job designation and salary. Because most employers have already checked your job background.


Never accept failure 


You applied for the job, the interview went through the struggling phase and now they refused to hire you. A few days later you somehow witness that the position is still open, apply again for the job with an improved resume and go for an interview with better preparation.


Show Interest


Show interest in the discussion with your hiring manager or recruiter. Participate in the conversation where it is relevant and needed. Don't over-talk your hiring manager.




Use references while applying for a job. It strengthens the chances of getting hired by the company.


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